“Dear Basketball” & Remembering Kobe Bryant

“Dear Basketball” & Remembering Kobe Bryant

“RIP Kobe 💔💔💔” I was in disbelief when I saw a friend post on Instagram the picture and caption above of Kobe Bryant. I raced to Google to verify and, sure enough, there were news stories about Kobe Bryant’s death from a helicopter accident in California. I’ve never been an NBA fan or closely followed…

#TeachWritetober 2019 Goals

#TeachWritetober 2019 Goals

I was motivated to sign up for #TeachWritetober 2019 after seeing a few teacher-friends tweet about their involvement. I’ve been meaning to write more, especially after my Summer Blogging Project fell flat. On the #TeachWritetober page of the Teach Write, LLC. website, one would see the following: How does the #TeachWritetober challenge work? Commit to…

NWPAM17 & NCTE17 Reflection

NWPAM17 & NCTE17 Reflection

Two weeks ago, I set out to attend my first National Writing Project Annual Meeting (NWPAM) and my fourth National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Both were in St. Louis, MO, and both provided me with a breath of fresh air in my career as an English educator. I attended several sessions and…