NWPAM17 & NCTE17 Presentations

NWPAM17 & NCTE17 Presentations

Note: This blog post was published in January 2018 on my first blog/website. It is being relocated to this website as I continue to transition writing and thoughts to this space. Note: This is an update to my reflection post about my attendance at NWPAM17 & NCTE17. Prior to Winter Recess in December, I had…

NWPAM17 & NCTE17 Reflection

NWPAM17 & NCTE17 Reflection

Two weeks ago, I set out to attend my first National Writing Project Annual Meeting (NWPAM) and my fourth National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Both were in St. Louis, MO, and both provided me with a breath of fresh air in my career as an English educator. I attended several sessions and…